• Medical
  • Ford Plastic Surgery: Dr. Derek Ford

Ford Plastic Surgery: Dr. Derek Ford

7 Saint Thomas Street, Toronto M5S 2B7, Ontario, Toronto Division, Canada

Dettagli aziendali

As a preeminent plastic surgeon in the region, Dr. Derek Ford consistently exceeds the standards of his patients. If you're looking for the best results from your plastic surgeon in Oshawa or anywhere throughout Greater Toronto, Dr. Ford has the education and the practical experience to create the results you've always imagined. Here, learn more about his qualifications and his passion for aesthetic medicine.

To meet with Dr. Ford in person, request a consultation online, or call our office directly in Toronto at (416) 925-7337 or in Oshawa at (905) 743-9888.
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7 Saint Thomas Street, Toronto M5S 2B7, Ontario, Toronto Division, Canada
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